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The safe way to buy online in Jamaica
SafePay provides escrow services for online purchases in Jamaica. SafePay should be used once both parties have an agreed sale and want a safe way to exchange the item and money.
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How SafePay works
Buyer register Seller
  • Both buyer and seller register on SafePay
  • And agree to the details of the sale
Buyer SafePay  
  • The buyer pays to SafePay the total selling price (item + shipping)
  • SafePay holds this money in a secure Jamaica National account
    Seller Ships
  • The seller ships the item using TARA or AirPak Express
  • Seller records the tracking number so we know it has been shipped
Buyer accepts    
  • The buyer receives, signs for and checks the item
  • Making sure it matches what they purchased
  SafePay Seller Paid
  • SafePay pays the seller
  • The transaction is completed

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